

Welcome to Vineyard Kids!

We love our kids here at Vineyard. Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment for our kids to engage with one another, our paid staff and our incredible volunteers. Every week our kids have an opportunity to learn about the Bible in the presence of the Holy Spirit.  We want our children to learn to hear and respond to the Holy Spirit just like the adults, to develop their own relationship with Jesus, and to worship Him with their whole hearts.
They also play together and interact through games and free play. We have found that younger children respond well to seeing the same caregiver week after week, so each of our younger classrooms are staffed with the same paid caregivers each week and some classes rotate parent volunteers alongside our paid caregivers. We do our best to create a safe and loving atmosphere for your child!

-Kevin & Nicole Stewart
Children's Pastors
Contact: children@lafayettevineyard.org



This room is for babies ranging from infant to walking age.  The nursery has at least two adults working at all times. This room has a calm atmosphere with loving caregivers to tend to your  baby. 

Toddler One-Two

This room is for toddlers ages 1-2 years. There are two to three adults working at all times. These children play and interact with our trained staff. They have snack time. 

Toddler Three-Four

This room is for children ages 3-4 years. There are two to three adults interacting with your children in this room.  These children play, have simple bible lessons, sing songs, have snacks and have outside playground time. 

Kids Church

This room is for K5-5th Grade. This class begins after  our worship service. These children stay to worship with their parents and then are dismissed to this room for a teaching and discussion. These children also pray for one another. 


Little Kid Playground

This playground is exclusively for little ones up to 5 years old.

Big Kid Playground

This playground is for older children age 6 and up. We also have a basketball court that our Kids Church kids use. 

Safety & Security

Our electronic check-in system helps to ensure the safety of our children. Parents are required to check their children in and out of their age appropriate classes under the supervision of our Children's Ministry Staff Administrator.  Because safety is our highest priority, background checks are performed on every one of our staff members and volunteers. We  also require membership, attendance at the Vineyard for at least one year, and a relationship with one of our staff pastors in order to volunteer in Children’s Ministry. We also have security cameras placed throughout the children’s ministry wing. Our classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds are monitored and employ a police officer during our Sunday morning service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Children's Ministry, let us know here!