Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Join us for youth every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00pm. We live out of love for Jesus and one another.
Join us for a fun game, worship to the King, and lively discussions as we go deeper into God’s word.
We have a student leadership team who helps plan and prepare our various events each year.
We enjoy time laughing, serving, learning, growing, praising, and sharing.
Fun events have included video scavenger hunts, game nights, lock-ins, canoe trips, and more.
Summer activities have included summer camp with other youth groups from across the state and a mission trip to Chiapas, Mexico. We’re planning local outreaches as well.
We’d love to have you in our group.
The Vineyard youth group is designed for Jr. High (6th—8th grade) and High School Students.
Email: youth@lafayettevineyard.org
We exist to Transform the lives of students by Revealing the nature of Christ.
To see them Immersed in the love and Presence of God.
And to create an atmosphere of Belonging
where they are free to Engage in their faith.
Join us for a fun game, worship to the King, and lively discussions as we go deeper into God’s word.
We have a student leadership team who helps plan and prepare our various events each year.
We enjoy time laughing, serving, learning, growing, praising, and sharing.
Fun events have included video scavenger hunts, game nights, lock-ins, canoe trips, and more.
Summer activities have included summer camp with other youth groups from across the state and a mission trip to Chiapas, Mexico. We’re planning local outreaches as well.
We’d love to have you in our group.
The Vineyard youth group is designed for Jr. High (6th—8th grade) and High School Students.
Email: youth@lafayettevineyard.org
We exist to Transform the lives of students by Revealing the nature of Christ.
To see them Immersed in the love and Presence of God.
And to create an atmosphere of Belonging
where they are free to Engage in their faith.