

Steps to Connect

Unite with Other Believers: Become a Member

Choose to unite with the mission. You will find community in this place as you put your hand to plow and advance God’s kingdom with us. If God calls you to join the mission of the Vineyard Church of Lafayette, then you would need to take steps to become a member.  The Bible uses many pictures to describe Christians as a community: a  household (Eph 2:19), a human body (1 Cor 12:12-31) and a temple made up of “living stones” (1 Peter 2:4-5, Eph 2:21). All of these illustrate and mandate our interconnectedness and our need for each other. This is why we ask members to sign this commitment. These are requirements to become a member of Vineyard church, not to become a Christian.
Our covenant with God and our commitment to one another create our culture and our community. Membership is an outward and formalized sign of the commitment of an individual’s heart. As members, we join together for God’s glory and our mutual benefit. God calls people to specific places so they can grow and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. We also believe in keeping a big front door and big back door, knowing that it is God who moves His people to build His Kingdom in the way He sees fit.  Our ultimate goal is not to keep people, but to bless each person to be in the place that the Lord has called them to. We hope that you will affirm your commitment to the mission and vision that God has placed on this community by the outward sign of membership!

If you want to be a member you must:
1.    Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (born again)- ACTS 2:41a
2.    Be baptized in water following salvation- ACTS 2:41b
3.    Have read the contents of the New Member Packet (link below)
4.    Indicate that you are in agreement with our “What We Believe Statement" and “Statement of Core Values” found in our New Member Packet (below) by submitting the Membership Application Form (below).

“They praised God and demonstrated God’s goodness to everyone. The Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved.”  Acts 2:47 

Mature in Your Faith: Join a Small Group  & Attend SSW 

We desire to be a people that pursue an authentic Christian life and endeavor to develop mature, reproducible, Spirit-filled Christian disciples that will:
Grow in the Lord, minister to the Lord, and minister with the Lord. — Growing up necessitates a personal devotion to the scriptures, developing a practice of spiritual discipline, and a consistent dedication to prayer. Maturity is proven as one takes personal responsibility to institute these disciplines and through these disciplines we become more Christlike. The mature believer will be moving toward uninhibited worship, devoted prayer, generous giving, and selfless service while proclaiming His words and doing His works in the world (outside the church walls).
This happens best in small group settings where we can connect more intimately with other believers and grow in relationship with the Lord and one another, because we were never meant to walk out our faith alone. We gather to grow!
We also offer a discipleship intensive course called The  School of Signs & Wonders.  We want every member to have gone through this course at least once. SSW unites believers to go forth into the world performing signs and wonders to lead all men and women to Jesus. This class runs annually. Members are encouraged to join a Growth Group or attend SSW as soon as they complete membership.

“And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.“
Hebrews 10:24-25


Fulfill the Work God Has Ordained For You To Do: Serve

Each person was created by God to fulfill a specific purpose and accomplish good works that the Lord Himself has pre-planned. Some have gifts of service, hospitality, leadership, intercession, craftsmanship, etc. For example, those who have the gift of hospitality will love to gather people. Those who have the gift of service will love to serve others. If each will begin to “do” their call, then a flow of good works will begin to happen. If you enjoy having people at your house- do that! If you love cooking, volunteer to make a hospitality meal.  If each one will do his or her part, we can together, accomplish all God has called us to do in Lafayette.
Jesus’ goal was to DO the work of the Father. We are all called to be OUTWARDLY focused and to build and expand the Kingdom of God on the earth.
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Ephesians 2:10