

“Finally, Abraham said, “Lord, please don’t be angry with me if I speak one more time. Suppose only ten are found there?” And the Lord replied, “Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.”” Genesis 18:32 (NLT) 
Sometimes questions are seen as rebellion. I grew up in a church that discouraged questions. No one asked: Why do we do Sunday school? Why do people have to dress up, or be quiet? Questions are often discouraged because those in charge are unsure of the answers. “Because we’ve always done it that way” or, “you just need to believe” are not real and authentic answers.
I need explanations; they don’t have to be agreeable or likeable; just authentic and real. After all, God has a history of people who questioned him and got away with it. Jacob wrestled. Mary asked. Zechariah asked the same question but as a priest was more accountable—yet his spanking was light: just a few months without speech. Job was commended by God in the end.
There is a difference between questions that seek to understand, and questions that are a result of cynicism.
God has just told Abraham he’s about to check out Sodom and see how bad it is. He asks God if he’ll destroy the city if he can find fifty righteous people there; then proceeds to barter God all the way down to ten.
Abraham is just trying to understand God. “Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked?” He’s not accusing God; he’s just trying to know him better.
          God wants us to press in to know Him better. And if by some chance we cross a line with our questions, God may shut us up for a bit. That’s not so bad.
-Pastor Dino Griffin