

Psalms 103: 13-14 reads: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.” 
God is not only merciful, but he is compassionate and understanding. He knows us. He is aware of our feelings, our weaknesses, and our inadequacies; and knowing them he enters into our experience and sympathizes with us. He is under no obligation to do so except for an obligation to his own nature. He would not be true to himself if he did not enter into our experience with compassion and understanding. In this way he is also acting as a parent.
But we share an equal burden. Because we are understood, we must seek to understand. Because we are forgiven, we must show mercy. The measure of compassion we receive must be the measure of compassion we give.
There are times when we simply run out of steam. We pour ourselves out for others and yet they need even more. People don’t seem to change. In our hurt we get to a point of caring only about our own pain. “What about me?” we ask in despair, feeling that our reservoir of compassion has been depleted. Yet we have a Father whose compassions never fail. To him we must turn and drink compassion until our thirst is quenched, allowing his infinite fountains to wash over us.
We should think about God’s compassion for us, thanking and praising him even if we don’t feel like it. It flows over us even when we cannot see it. It is in thanksgiving that our own dry wells fill once again. In Psalm 87: 7, “All my fountains are in You”
-Pastor Dino Griffin